Journal of Mountain Research

p-ISSN-0974-3030, e-ISSN: 2582-5011


JOURNAL OF MOUNTAIN RESEARCH (J. Mountain Res.) ISSN: 0974-3030, E ISSN: 2582-5011

The manuscript prepared as per the guide line for author should submit by click on Submit New Manuscript

A manuscript number will be mailed to the corresponding author same day or within 72 hours.

The Journal of Mountain research publishes articles on recent researches in the field of physical and natural sciences. Papers on the Himalayan studies will be preferred.

The research paper should be limited to 8-10 manuscript pages including Tables and Figures. Only original, unpublished manuscript not under consideration for publication elsewhere may be submitted. Article must be technically sound and written in English language. Authors must display good knowledge of primary scientific literature. The manuscript should be prepared strictly as per instructions in order to facilitate prompt review and processing of papers.

Preparation of Manuscript Manuscripts prepared in Microsoft Word having Times New Roman font and 1.5 line spacing, leaving a liberal margin (1.5cm) on all four sides must be converted into a single file manuscript throughout, including references, Tables and Figures legends before submission.

Organize the research paper logically and clearly, with sections complementing but not repeating each other, as follows:

  • Titles: Titles should be brief, concise and specific is considered best by JMR. However, recommended title length is 10-20 words. The font size of the title should be 12pt, bold and Capitalized each word with Centre aligned.
  • Author(s) and Affiliation(s): Author(s) are to be listed according to the degree of their contributions to the work. Full name to be specified e.g., Anoop Kumar Dobriyal1 • Hari Raj Singh2 and use (*) for corresponding author with email id.
  • Abstract: Not more than 250 words followed by 3-6 keywords.
  • Introduction: It should lay out the problem addressed, current level of knowledge, the aims of study, and the hypothesis tested.
  • Material and Methods: It must include all crucial information to allow replication of the study.
  • Results: Must by concise summary of the data in Tables and Figures.
  • Discussion: It should include the assessment/conclusion of your study and correlated with the similar studies conducted in your area or elsewhere depending upon the importance of the study.
  • Acknowledgements: Credits contribution of thoughts, expertise and funding.
  • References: Must substantially include the peer reviewed primary literature.
  • High quality Figures and Tables should be presented in the manuscript file with their legends and embedded in a relevant position in the main text using ‘Fig.’ for Figure and ‘Table’ as it is.

  • Give the Latin name and family of the species at first mentioned in the manuscript. Subsequent references may use the common name. Italicize or underline Latin names. Use metric units or International system of units (with base units meter, gram, second, liter, mole, joule, etc.). Use superscript or subscript instead of the bar (/) for compound units e.g., 10 g. m-2 instead of 10 g/m2.

Citing of references: Cite references in the text as Author (year). For three or more authors cite as First author et al. (year). In Reference list arrange all alphabetically by first author’s family name as follows:

  • Book: Resh VH and Rosenberg DM (1984) The ecology of aquatic insects. Praeger Publishers, New York, USA. 625 Pages.
  • Book Chapters: Dobriyal AK (2005) Diversity of spawning behaviour in hillstream fishes of Garhwal Himalaya, Uttaranchal. In: Johal MS (Ed.) Proceedings of National Seminar on New trends in Fishery developments in India. Punjab University Chandigarh. pp.135-140.
  • Journal article: Culp JM, Walde SJ and Davies RW (1983) Relative importance of substrate particle size and detritus to stream benthic macroinvertebrate microdistribution. Can. J. Fish. Aqu. Sci. 40: 1568-1574.
  • Copyright Only those articles should be submitted that have not been published in past anywhere or have not been under consideration for publication anywhere. If the article is accepted for publication, author agrees to handover all the copyrights to publisher.
  • Publication Policy The Journal of Mountain Research (ISSN-0974-3030) is the official publications of society, hence no processing fee is charged. However, it is mandatory to be a member of society for at least one author. Society charges nominal reprint cost on no profit no loss basis.

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